Crow Wing Power is a not-for-profit, member-owned, electric utility. That means you, not a group of private investors, benefit from any margins produced by the Cooperative.
As a not-for-profit cooperative, you are part owner. One advantage of being a member-owner is that margins over and above the cost of current-year operations are returned to members in the form of capital credits. The amount of electricity a member uses determines the amount of credit that a member receives. Between the time capital credits are assigned and the time they are refunded, the money is re-invested into the cooperative in order to maintain, improve, and ensure dependable service. When the Cooperative’s financial position permits and with consideration to rate fairness, Crow Wing Power retires, or pays these capital credits back to its members.
For more information about capital credits, check out our FAQs.

In November 2024 Capital Credits totaling $1,928,142 were distributed to 34,554 members who had service during 2009. Margins over and above operating costs during those years were allocated to members based on their electric use during the retirement year. Those allocations are now being returned to members as credits.
Active members receive a bill credit. Members that are no longer active, receive a mailed check.
Our goal is to exceed our members’ expectations of providing safe, reliable, affordable electricity and improve the quality of life of members through loyal employees with a focus on services and our community.
Each year, funds that were returned by the Post Office or not claimed are returned to the Cooperative and held in an unclaimed account for seven years. We need your help locating the members that these unclaimed capital credits belong to. Any information you can provide regarding the location of these members is greatly appreciated. Those with information can call our Billing department at (218) 829-2827.
Crow Wing Power does its best to deliver capital credits to former or current members who have moved from their last known address or did not cash a check that was sent to them. It is recommended that you keep your most recent address on file by calling Crow Wing Power. We continue to carry unclaimed capital credits amounts on our books for up to seven years. If, after the required time, we still have not located you, the law requires us to either turn the money over to the state or donate it to a charitable organization. Our current policy, as set by the board of directors, is to donate all unclaimed capital credits money to local community colleges and schools for student scholarships and educational purposes.