If your payment is late a 1.5% late fee of your total bill due is applied. 

If you get a disconnect notice – DO NOT IGNORE IT –  call Crow Wing Power immediately at (218) 829-2827 or (800) 648-9401 to discuss payment options. 

Service will be restored only after the full amount due, as of the disconnect date, including a reconnection charge and security deposit, has been paid. Due to available technology, we are able to remotely disconnect and reconnect service without a Crow Wing Power employee physically dispatched to your meter location.

You may also qualify for one of Minnesota’s utility payment protection laws:


Utility service may be disconnected with notice for:

  1. Nonpayment of a bill.
  2. Failure to meet the deposit or credit requirements.
  3. Violation of utility rules.
  4. Breach of contract between utility and member.
  5. Failure to provide the utility reasonable access to its equipment.
  6. Failure to furnish those things necessary to obtain service.

Utility service may be disconnected without notice for:

  1. Any unauthorized use of or tampering with the Cooperatives's equipment or facilities. 
  2. A condition determined to be hazardous to the member.
  3. NSF - return of a check due to insufficient funds that was given to the Cooperative by a member to pay a past due amount and/or to avoid interruption of service.

The Cold Weather Rule, under Minnesota State Statute 216B.097, protects residential utility customers during the cold winter months. Under this rule, your electric service will not be disconnected from October 1 through April 30 if you meet ALL of the Cold Weather Rule requirements including:

  • You declare an inability to pay. 
  • Your total household, not individual, income is less than 50% of the state median income. You must provide the necessary documentation to support this condition. 

If you do not meet all these listed conditions, then you do not qualify for the winter shut-off protection. However, you can continue to receive electric service if you call us to make a mutually acceptable payment arrangement.

Learn more about the Cold Weather Rule      Declare an Inability to Pay

The Minnesota Extreme Heat Law, State Statute 216B.0975, affects the way Crow Wing Power handles the disconnection of electricity if you fail to pay your electric bill in the summer. The law states a utility cooperative, such as Crow Wing Power, cannot disconnect electric service to residential members if one of the following conditions is issued by the National Weather Service in their county:

  • Excessive heat watch
  • Heat advisory
  • Excessive heat warning

Minnesota State Statute 325E.028 provides protection against utility disconnection if a member of your household has been ordered into active military duty, for deployment or for a permanent change in duty station during the period of active duty. To be considered for military service personnel service protection, you must meet requirements as outlined in the statute including:

  • The member-consumer provides proof of qualifying military duty to Crow Wing Power; 
  • the member-consumer completes the Electric Shut-off Protection for Military Personnel Application and submits it, and accompanying materials, to Crow Wing Power; 
  • the member-consumer enters into an acceptable payment arrangement plan with Crow Wing Power; and 
  • the member-consumer remains current with the payment arrangement.

Apply for Military Shut Off Protection Online   Apply for Military Shut Off Protection PDF


If you use electricity to heat your home, you may qualify for a Minnesota sales tax exemption.

The exemption only applies to electricity used as your primary fuel for residential heating. If you have more than one meter and you are on our dual fuel or off-peak heating programs, you are automatically tax exempt for that electric use. Electricity from lights, appliances, etc. is not tax exempt.

Crow Wing Power must charge sales tax unless we have a Sales Tax Exemption Certificate on file. If you sent in the form in the past, you do NOT need to send it in again. We renew it automatically.

Complete the Sales Tax Exemption Certificate Online   Complete the Sales Tax Exemption Certificate


Consider one of Crow Wing Power’s energy saving programs or rebates to save energy and money!